Things about you

You are my precious 

With everything I love 

Sometimes I wonder 

What do I love the most

Is it the sweetness of your voice

That climbs in my ears and Pampers

My brain with all the love someone can get

Or is it softness of you hands

That you wrap around to hug

Which is like the best happiness drug

Is it the look from those eyes

That scares all my demons away

And makes me the best for anyone to say 

Or maybe its the sense of your presence

That give me a confidence and hope

That always widens my happiness scope.

Of all things I love about there is also 

This one that really hate I do.

Is the pain of seeing you in pain 

Like my getting heart squeezed 

With the most dangerous amount of 

Force that I ever received.

Its like this intense tension that is never been eased.

Cause of all these things I love about you

No matter where you go 

And what you do

Just remember I will 

Always love you

And I just can’t give up on you.


To – my precious (Himani)

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Sreeblogs says:

    Lovely poem!! Your special friend is lucky to have such a special friend like you


    1. Trust me mostly its other way around

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sreeblogs says:


        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful! Truly.


    1. Yeah and thanks for stopping by and liking my work really great of you

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I needed this today. Lovely work. 🙂


    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your feedback. And one more thing i really like your posts on mental issues its necessary to make people aware about these things. I don’t get to comment on your blog so this is what I feel about your work that its really amazing. Keep doing it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much! I love your poetry too. I love the way you talk about love. Thank you for praising my work. It means SO much ☺

        Liked by 1 person

  4. quirkyshine says:

    Very romantic and sweet… ❤❤ keep it burning in your heart 😊😊


    1. Thank you your words really calms me and are very motivating

      Liked by 1 person

      1. quirkyshine says:

        You’re welcome… keep it up 😊😊


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